Active Studies

A-PLUS Study Image


Current Research: A randomized, placebo-controlled, parallel multicenter clinic trial to assess whether a single, prophylactic intrapartum oral dose of 2g azithromycin given to women in labor will reduce (1) maternal death or sepsis and (2) intrapartum/neonatal death or sepsis.

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MNHR Study Image


Current Research: A prospective, population-based pregnancy study in low-middle income countries. Sites enroll pregnant women and follow 6 weeks post-delivery. Enrolling 60,000 women/year, MNH quantifies services, and provides stillbirth, neonatal and maternal mortality rates to inform research.

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PRIORITY Trial Image


Current Research: The PRIORITY Trial is an upcoming prospective, two-arm, randomized trial in low-middle income countries expected to start enrolling in 2023. Women with moderate hemoglobin concentrations immediately post-delivery (6-48hrs) and who deliver at study hospitals or birthing facilities in Global Network sites will be enrolled into the trial. The trial is assessing whether at 6 weeks post-delivery if there is a difference in achievement of non-anemic state between women receiving IV iron compared to women receiving standard care with oral iron.

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ABC Study Image

The ABC (Azithromycin: Brain neuroprotection for Children) Study

Current Research: This study is a prospective, masked, matched study evaluating the neurodevelopmental outcomes of children in the A-PLUS Trial. The ABC Study will enroll 420 birth asphyxiated infants (≥ 34 weeks of gestation) with no, mild, moderate, or severe hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (categorized by neurological examination using the Modified Sarnat Score) born to mothers who received either a single oral dose of 2 grams of azithromycin or placebo during labor in the A-PLUS trial, which aims to study the effectiveness of intrapartum azithromycin on reducing maternal and neonatal infections and deaths. Prospective and retrospective enrolled infants will undergo several developmental assessments by trained assessors at 24 (±1) months of corrected age (adjusting for Gestational Age).

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